Sunday, 30 September 2012

A new Historical series, Part 1 due to be released...

Available from 4th October 2012
by Barbara Kyle
The first of four titles set in the court of Henry VIII.

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • Publisher: Canvas (4 Oct 2012)
  • ASIN: B0070TRGZQ
London 1527. Set in the nerve-jangled court of Henry VIII during his battle with the Catholic church for a divorce, THE QUEEN’S LADY is the story of Honor Larke, a ward of King Henry’s chancellor, Sir Thomas More, and a lady-in-waiting to Henry’s first wife, Queen Catherine of Aragon. Forced to take sides in the religious extremism of the day, Honor fights to save the church’s victims from death at the stake, enlisting Richard Thornleigh, a rogue sea captain, in her missions of mercy, and finally risking her life to try to save Sir Thomas from the wrath of the king.

About the author
Barbara Kyle enjoyed a successful acting career in Canadian theatre and television before turning her hand to writing fiction. Barbara has published all four novels in the ‘Thornleigh’ series in Canada and has sold over 400,000 books. She and her husband live in Ontario, where she teaches popular writing seminars and workshops.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Saturday Snapshot

I am joining Alyce at   Please do pop and and join in.

I have the perfect picture this week.

To those who have not visited before or for a while, I got married on 8th Sept.  
Also AJ turned 5 on Thursday.  So, we have been celebrating all month this month.

This is one of our wedding snaps of my husband and AJ at the registry office.
I love it!

A few more wedding snaps


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Guest Author - Jane Sanderson

I am delighted and honoured to welcome back JANE SANDERSON to the blog

I really enjoyed NETHERWOOD and look forward to her her next novel

photos courtesy of publisher

 Publisheed by Sphere
on the 27
th September 2012

Jane, thank you for answering my questions
Please tell us more about your follow up novel to Netherwood, Ravenscliffe

Ravenscliffe picks up just two weeks after Netherwood ends, so it’s late summer in 1904, and King Edward VII is about to pay a visit to Netherwood Hall. All the loose threads from the first book are picked up: Tobias Hoyland’s infatuation with Thea Stirling, Eve’s relationship with the gardener, Daniel MacLeod, Amos Sykes’s burgeoning political career…. It’s all there! I don’t like it, as a reader, when a sequel leaps forward too many years, so you feel you’ve missed out on some critical development or other.

Who is your favourite character in Ravenscliffe and why?

My favourite character is Anna Rabinovich. She’s strong, independent, interesting and lovable. Because of her affluent Russian background, she has a different outlook on life to her good friend Eve – Anna is the sort of friend we should all have: loyal, but willing to give us a push if we need it. In Ravenscliffe, Anna is really allowed to shine.

Can you share a little about the research you undertook for this new novel?

I relied heavily on history books – as I did with Netherwood – and as a result I learned a great deal in the process. The thing about research is that you have to use it lightly, otherwise it comes across as leaden, like a history lesson, or an exercise in self-aggrandisement, as if the writer’s saying, ‘Look how much I know about this period’. So you have to glean as much as you can from books about Edward VII or early twentieth century politics, or mining disasters in Yorkshire, and then use the details very sparingly, remembering at all times that it’s the characters that are important, not the period they lived in.
            Also, I do my research on the hoof, not having the inclination (or the luxury) to read lots of books before making a start on the manuscript. I think it suits my temperament better to get cracking, and look things up as I go along. Having said that, I’m currently reading a fascinating biography of Tsar Nicholas II for the third book, and I can’t put it down. All I needed was a bit of colourful detail about Nicholas and Alexandra, and I could now practically write a thesis on them!

Jane can be found here
and on twitter @SandersonJane

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

A new series

I have received 2 books in a new Historical Fiction series, for review
It does look very inviting and so I thought I would alert Historical Fiction fans to this series.

"Fans of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society will fall in love with RIDUNA"

RIDUNA (The Riduna Series) - DIANA JACKSON

  • Publisher: Eventispress; 2nd Revised edition edition (7 July 2012)
  • ISBN-13: 978-095725204

Why Riduna?
Riduna is the Latin name for the unique and picturesque island of Alderney, sister island to Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK, known in this novel as Sarnia.  Riduna is a character in it's own right, since for Harriet, born in Riduna in 1886, and many others in the community, it is all they have known and wanted to know and yet for Edward, his head is full of dreams of faraway places and adventure.  As their destiny is challenged, will their devotion remain constant?


  • Publisher: Eventispress; 1st edition (7 July 2012)
  • ISBN-13: 978-0957252004
Ancasta tells the story of Harriet's family from 1910 to 1920 as it weaves tightly through Woolston's history, with the birth of Supermarine, early flying boat production and The Schneider Trophy.  As each member of Harriet's family is drawn into contrasting contributions to the war effort, Harriet's birthplace Alderney, (Riduna) The Channel Islands, continues its subtle influence on their lives.

Diana Jackson can be found at

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Review - Sophie's Turn by Nicky Wells

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • Publisher: Sapphire Star Publishing (4 Sep 2012)
  • ASIN: B00961HXC2

The blurb - Amazon

Slapper. Slut. Adulteress. These are hardly words that Sophie Penhalligan would normally use to describe herself. Yet this is exactly how she is behaving, all things considered, even if she isn’t quite married to Tim yet. And it’s all happening because her past is coming to tempt her! Nine years ago, she met her teenage idol and rock star extraordinaire, Dan, up close and personal. Well, almost. Now Dan has crash-landed back in her life.

Sophie is happily embroiled in a relationship with Tim, her boyfriend of two years. Until recently, she was confident Tim would eventually propose—probably as soon as he could get his act together. But just as Tim’s persistent inaction is beginning to cast a cloud over their relationship, Dan’s sudden reappearance turns Sophie’s world upside down.

One fine day in Paris, Sophie suddenly finds herself engaged to Dan while her erstwhile fiancĂ© Tim is…well, doing whatever it is Tim does back in London. What is she to do now? Who wouldn’t give anything to meet their favorite star, let alone marry him?

Find out how Sophie gets into this impossible situation, and how she turns it around, in Sophie’s Turn, the honest, funny and sometimes bittersweet story of one woman’s entanglement with a rock star. 

When the main character, Sophie asked for the chance to tell her story I felt I had to give her a chance.
She is by no means a good girl. In fact, she is cheating on her boyfriend/fiance with a crush from her younger days.

I am not happy to read about affairs, and if I come across them in novels I read I do like to get past them quite quickly. This was not going to be possible with Sophie, Time and Dan as this novel tells the story of this trio, but I did feel compelled to read on and find out what happens.

Nicky Wells writes a page turner that keeps the reader wanting to know more and this is why I continued to read. I just had to know whether Tim would change his ways, and how the story between Sophie and Dan would end, even though I didn't particularly care for any of the characters and their morals.

Well written and exciting with never a dull moment, I want to read more of Nicky's novels.

4.5 out of 5 for me.
1 out of 5 for the characters morals! :)

Review copy


Friday, 21 September 2012

Torn by Gilli Allan

Today sees the relaunch of TORN BY GILLI ALLAN

Happy launch day, Gilli

e-book available at:

Paperback at:

She may escape her old life but will she ever escape herself?

TORN is a contemporary story, which faces up to the complexities, messiness and absurdities in modern relationships. Life is not a fairy tale; it can be confusing and difficult. Sex is not always awesome; it can be awkward and embarrassing, and it has consequences. You don't always fall for Mr Right, even if he falls for you. And realising you're in love is not always good news. It can make the future look daunting......

Jess has made a series of bad choices. Job, relationships and life-style - all have let her down. By escaping the turmoil of her London life, she is putting her young child first. This time she wants to get it right, to devote herself to being a mother. But the country does not offer the romanticised ‘good life ’idyll she pictured. There are stresses and strains here too which pull her in opposing directions. There is conflict over a new bypass. Conflict between friends with very different and sometimes hidden agendas. Conflict between her own nature and her good intentions.
In the face of temptation old habits die hard. She is torn between the suitable man and the unsuitable boy.

Guest Author - Deborah Swift

Deborah Swift is celebrating the launch of THE GILDED LILY, a follow up to THE LADY'S SLIPPER

The publishers are kindly offering 2 copies of this novel to UK readers.....

  • Publisher: Pan (13 Sep 2012)
  • ISBN-13: 978-0330543439

An excerpt from The Gilded Lily by Deborah Swift

Sadie saw straight away that it was good news. When Ella came
in, her face was r osy and dimpled with smiles and she hugged
Sadie hard, almost squeezing the breath out of her, something she
had not done once since they came to London.
‘What do you think?’ Ella said. ‘I’m to be in a parlour tempting
ladies to buy belladonna and ceruse, and lavender oil, and
morning dew.’
‘A perfume seller?’
‘No, not just any old perfume seller. I’m to be dressed up
like a lady – Mr Whitgift himself picked out a fine gown for me,
yards and yards of red silk, enough for . . . oh, six petticoats –’
she danced Sadie round the table – ‘and he said I’m as pretty as a
poppy in a fi eld. He wants me to dress my hair fancy, and—’
‘Stop, I’m getting dizzy.’ Sadie broke away from Ella’s embrace.
‘How much are you getting?’
‘Nineteen shilling a month.’
Sadie gasped. It was far more than she got at the wig shop.
‘I’m to start day after tomorrow. Won’t get my fi rst pay till
the end of the month though.’
‘Oh, Ell, what luck! We’ll have to scrape till payday though,

we’ve barely enough to feed ourselves. But there’s still my portion
from the wig shop coming in, that’ll cover the rent.’
‘We’ll take on a better place as soon as I’ve got my feet under
the table. I’ll make myself necessary. There’s an old Mr Whitgift
too, the father. They don’t get on. He’s a crabbit old skinfl int by
all accounts. But I’m after twisting the old gent around my fi nger.
I’m good with old men.’
Sadie felt a qualm of misgiving. ‘You’ve hardly set foot in the
place yet, don’t start getting grand ideas. And don’t go against
Josiah Whitgift or you could end up back in the gunpowder
‘Oh, clap a stopper in it. I know what I’m doing. You always
put a dampener on everything. Can’t you just be pleased for me?’
‘Course I’m pleased, I just worry in case it doesn’t work out.
We still have to buy barley for bread, and we’re all but out of
tallow for rushlights. I don’t want you taking risks before you
see a penny for your work. And I don’t trust that Josiah Whitgift.

Corey and Betsy told me there’s shady things go on round his

Deborah can be found at
and on twitter at @swiftstory

Please complete the form to be entered into the UK giveaway
Please see giveaway policy

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Calling Romance writers and readers

I have had this press release from Kate at Romance Fiction On-line

Do you write romantic fiction? Then don't miss the Festival of Romance in Bedford in November. The UK's only literary festival for fans of romantic fiction also has lots to offer writers.

From expertly led creative writing workshops to the chance to pitch your novel to publishers, and even a Romantic Fiction Conference to catch up on all the latest news and industry debate.

The Festival is also involved with some fantastic competitions:

The closing date for the New Talent Award and Piatkus Win a Publishing Competition is 30 September.

Details of New Talent Award (for aspiring authors) -
Details of Piatkus Competition (open to all authors) -

And here's a little taster of the events for writers over the Festival weekend:

Friday 16 November:
- Announcements of the New Talent Award, Reader and Industry Awards at the Festival of Romance Awards and Ball, 7.30pm until late

Saturday 17 November:
- Writing Category (Short) Romances Workshop with Sally Quilford, 9.30am to 11.45am
- Writing Fiction for Magazines with Helen Hunt, 11.45am to 2pm
- Writing Romantic Novels with Sue Moorcroft, 2.15pm to 4.30pm

Sunday 18 November:
- Pitch Your Novel to a panel of publishers, 10am to 11.30am
- Romance Fiction Conference: "After 50 Shades, Where Next?", 11.30am to 3pm

To book your tickets:

Weekend reading treats

It's almost the weekend so time to share some new releases and some FREEBIES 

(some of these titles I have read, but I could not possibly have had time for all of them,  yet)

  • The BREAK UP TEST by ROSE McClelland is now available in paperback via

      Amazon UK    or on   AmazonUS:

(as always please do check b4 u click!)

THE SACRED MARRIAGE by Flick Merauld & Elen Hawke  I have not read this one myself

Previously mentioned but still available are

Have a great weekend, folks!


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Not the usual photos

For those of you who only follow me here and have not seen this yet.....

here are some of our more unusual wedding photos on my wedding blog.....


Tuesday, 18 September 2012

WIP Weds - 19th Sept - Anne Mitchell plus FREEBIE

Today, WIP Weds is back after a break with the lovely Anne Mitchell, author of HAPPY HOUR

photos courtesy of the author

Hi Carol!

First of all, congratulations on your recent wedding.  It looks as if you all had a fabulous and very special day.  Secondly, I’d like to thank you for inviting me to share some details of my new book with you and your readers.  DAYDREAM BELIEVER is due to be published just before Christmas, and I’m getting ridiculously excited already.  DAYDREAM BELIEVER follows hard on the (Jimmy Choo?) heels of my first book, HAPPY HOUR, which was published in January 2012 and is available on Amazon Kindle. I’ve been thrilled with HAPPY HOUR’s success, and really hope that everyone who’s loved it (and been kind enough to write some great reviews) will love DAYDREAM BELIEVER too.

Here’s the blurb:

Evie Myers really does have it all.  She’s a successful romance author with a luxury London flat, brand-new Audi TT, a wardrobe full of designer clothes and a new book – her sixth - just out.  But when her long-term boyfriend James, a theatre director, leaves her for a young actress, Evie’s whole life starts to unravel, and there’s no happy ending in sight.

Determined to win back James, Evie barely registers that Dan Kerr, the quiet member of super-successful nineties boyband Wild Things, has taken an interest in her.  She’s got other things to think about, including losing her agent, the failure of the new book and the fact that she’s about to be made homeless.  So when her glamorous friend Katie moves in on Dan, Evie’s actually quite relieved that there’s one less problem in her life to worry about.

Starting again from rock bottom, Evie takes a low-paying job in a supermarket and gives up all thoughts of writing.  But then, miraculously, her life is turned round again when a film company wants to turn one of her early books, Daydream Believer, into a blockbuster Hollywood film.  The only trouble is – there are strings attached.  Who is the film’s mysterious backer?  Is Guy Hammond, the ridiculously hunky leading man, all he seems?  And when James pops up again, can she really trust him?  In her career Evie has invented plenty of handsome heroes and romantic love scenes, but in the end it takes a near-tragedy to discover who is the real-life hero of her own story.

HAPPY HOUR is FREE this Wednesday and Thursday
(please do check before you click - as the ebook was not free when this post was post-scheduled on Monday)

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • ASIN: B006ZXSPM6
  • available now!


Finally, here are some links to where you can find me and my current book on the web:

Follow me on Twitter: @AnneMitchell0

‘Like’ HAPPY HOUR’s Facebook page:

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Review - The First Time I Saw your Face by Hazel Osmond

  • Publisher: Quercus (16 Aug 2012)
  • ISBN-13: 978-1849164191
  • and on Kindle

The blurb

Jennifer had it all. Until a terrible accident took almost everything. When she moves back home, with her interfering ex right on the doorstep, the future doesn't look that bright. Until she meets Mack. Sexy, dishevelled and just a little clumsy, he starts to make her believe that she can move on from the past and embrace life all over again. But he has a secret he'd do anything to protect, and he's about to betray her to keep it. Will he realise what she means to him in time? And if he does, will she be able to love the real Mack?

Delightful setting in rural Northern England for this delightful tale of 2 people fighting their demons.

Jennifer an aspiring actress was involved in a terrible accident that left her permanently scarred. She hides away at the family farm fearing her future is mapped out for her by the well meaning Alex, but is it really what she wants?

Mack has gotten himself into a little situation and feels he only has one option to save the family name.

These two characters are brought together by deception and each character is hiding behind a public persona for different reasons.  

I really liked Mack but had to keep reminding myself of his hidden agenda.  I had mixed feelings about him.

This novel had my full attention with  great characters and some sharp one liners in amongst the beautifully written storyline.

I was concerned, when I read the blurb, that this would be more like the true life style reads and would go into the trauma that Jennifer suffered in detail.  I am pleased to report, it did not.

Oh yes, this one hit the spot.  A lovely read to curl up with on these autumnal evenings.

4.5 out of 5 for me!

Review copy, in exchange for my honest review.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Guest Author - Carol Ervin

My guest today is Carol Ervin, author of The Girl on the Mountain

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • Publisher: Carol L. Ervin (29 Aug 2012)
  • ASIN: B00941HNC4
  • Details for US readers are at the end of this post
Amazon blurb
When her husband disappears, young May Rose is stranded in a rough town owned by a company logging the last of West Virginia’s virgin forest. It’s 1899, and a woman alone has few options. As she struggles to sustain herself, she discovers people are not what they seem--not the husband who wooed her with stories and songs, not the wild, dirty child, the sullen cook, nor the stiff boardinghouse proprietor, and certainly not the company manager, pillar of the town. But May Rose is also not the obedient woman she once was. She’s been scorned as the girl on the mountain, the subject of shocking stories, yet there’s more to her than anyone expected. To survive, she must distinguish friend from foe, defend herself from predatory men and boys, and prove herself a person of value. Most important, she must believe that love is never wasted.

Here Carol shares how she revealed herself to readers and has some tips for all of us when opening up in this modern age

Brave New Me
Carol Ervin

Lurker. Anonymous. Private person. One who does not confess her inmost thoughts to more than one or two people.  Is that you? It was me, until I realized that if I wanted anyone to read my book, I’d have to go public. Show my face. Bare my thinking, share my email. Yikes.

It’s not that I don’t love people—I do. If you read my book, you’ll see that. But I’m cautious by nature, and you have to admit that’s not a bad trait in these times. Fortunately, in the past year I’ve learned that locking the door against strangers will keep you from getting out! And wow, getting out can be a good thing.

My emergence from the closet of secret writing happened in small stages. For several years I was an anonymous writer and critique partner on, with no photo on my profile and no exchange of personal information, even with site members I got to “know” well.

My first small step out was to start blogging, with a photo and my real name!  Then I added a signature (link to blog) to my profile on various sites.  Amazingly, I suffered no adverse effects. If my family and friends rolled their eyes every time they got an email about a new post, and later, my book announcements, they politely did not tell me.

In the beginning, self-promotion felt as embarrassing as shouting on the street.  Now my face looks out from the back of my book. I don’t like it, but there I am, and I’ve accepted it.  Another change: the bio I wrote for my Amazon author page is more personal than anything I could have written a few months ago.

I’ve realized that I feel close to strangers who aren’t afraid to share a few harmless details about themselves. I reacted positively when an online writer-acquaintance said he was nervous about readers’ reactions. Even though we had not exchanged real names, I thought his confession was brave. Maybe you understand.

Notice I said “a few harmless details.” Not being counselors, psychiatrists or priests, most of us aren’t equipped to handle confessions or appeals for help.

If you want to take a step forward but don’t like the idea of sharing your dreams or feelings, remember that no friend, family member or stranger is thinking about you as intensely as you’re worrying about their reactions. Of course, in contact with strangers, be careful not to share too much personal information—no phone numbers, physical addresses or other sensitive information. No one needs stalkers or spammers.

Opening yourself to criticism or admitting a weakness can make others feel closer to you, as long as you don’t dump on them. And here’s something else I believe: the less you say—the less you go on and on about yourself and your opinions, the more others may listen. Whoops! Hope that wasn’t too much…

My website:

Thursday, 13 September 2012

The Perfect Treat

Hey folks, who fancies a treat, a FREE treat?

perfect cover!
  • Publisher: Avon (17 Sep 2012)

This digital-only collection from  top authors Claudia Carroll, Julia Williams, Miranda Dickinson and debuts Mhairi McFarlene and Liz Trenow is perfect to curl up with this autumn.

The Perfect Treat is a collection of short stories  introduced with dedicated notes from each of the authors and will be followed up with exclusive extracts from the author’s forthcoming releases. The e-book short story collection will be free to download from the 17th September.

Amazon says.....

Each short story is followed up by exclusive extracts of each of the authors upcoming titles.
Love, Loss and Coffee Cake: Through tears, heartbreak and the undying hope of love, a tale of a pair of star-crossed lovers.
It’s A Wonderful Life: A comedy that proves you should be very careful what you wish for.
Driving Home For Christmas: A touching tale about a newlyweds desperate to spend their first Christmas alone.
Breaking The Spell: A moving story about the power of hope and love.
The Twelve Lies of Christmas: A hilarious feature that offers up the truth about the festive season.

Go order your copy now!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Guest Author - Victoria Connelly

Today I have the pleasure and honour of introducing VICTORIA CONNELLY, author.
Victoria lives in my corner of the world.

Photos courtesy of the author

Exciting trilogy from Victoria

Welcome, Victoria

1.   Tell us a little about your latest novels.

The Runaway Actress is my latest novel out in the UK.  It’s a romantic comedy about an actress called Connie Gordon who swaps Hollywood for the Highlands in an attempt to find out who she really is.  It was so much fun to write – kind of Notting Hill meets Monarch of the Glen!

And I’ve just released It’s Magic on Kindle.  It’s a collection of three rom coms which all have a magical twist so expect naughty guardian angels, a magical Venetian mask and an opinionated eighteenth-century ghost.  These three books were all published in Germany and the first, Flights of Angels, was made into a film which was incredibly exciting but this is the first time they've all been published together in the English language.

2.   Your bio says you have lived in the city and countryside and your heroine in THE RUNAWAY ACTRESS flees Hollywood for The Highlands to retreat. She found there were problems with the retreat such as the lack of coffee shops.  Which do you prefer - city or countryside?

I was brought up in villages in rural Norfolk and I'm a country girl at heart. My husband is a Londoner and I spent 11 years living in the London suburbs but I was never happy there. Last year, we made the decision to move away and we now live in a 200-year-old cottage in rural Suffolk. There are fields full of horses at the front and cherry and apple orchards at the back. We have a beautiful garden full of fruit trees, roses and ex-battery hens and I love it! I feel as if I have found my true home.

3.    What are you working on next?

My next book out in the UK is called Wish You Were Here.   It’s about a Plain Jane who suddenly becomes irresistible to men after making a wish on a statue of Aphrodite whilst on holiday in Greece. It's out in the UK in April 2013 and I have just seen a first draft of the cover and it looks beautiful.  I can’t wait to share it with everyone and I’m just doing the rewrites on it now.

I’ve also been doing a blog tour for It’s Magic which has been enormous fun – it’s so great to meet new readers.  And I’ll be launching Christmas with Mr Darcy in October.  This is the novella sequel to my Austen Addicts’ Trilogy and it’s been so lovely to catch up with all the characters and see what happened next.

4.  What books are on your bedside table?

I don't have books on my bedside table but I do have them in most of the other rooms around house. At the moment, I am reading Out of the Valley by Ronald Blythe - he's a Suffolk writer and he writes beautifully about rural life and the changing seasons. 

Other books scattered around the house waiting to be read are: A Passion for Roses by Peter Beales, Amber Scott is Starting Over by Ruth Saberton, The Thrifty Forager by Alys Fowler and Free-Range Chicken Gardens by Jessi Bloom.

EXTRACT from Christmas with Mr Darcy

There were few sights more beautiful in Hampshire than Purley Hall in the snow.  The faded red-bricked Georgian manor house stood proudly in the middle of the white landscape as if it were at the centre of a snow globe and the fields surrounding it were smooth and sparkling under the December sunlight.
The little village of Church Stinton looked like a Christmas card.  Thatched roofs had been dusted with icing sugar-like snow, and the church was postcard-pretty, its great yew trees looking ethereal under their white cloaks.
The south of England had been surprised by the first snow of the year but it hadn’t been hit as badly as the north of the country and, after a week of commuter chaos, the snow was beginning to disappear.  Still, as Dame Pamela Harcourt looked out of the great hall window, she couldn’t help feeling anxious.
‘Can you believe that more snow has been forecast?  You don’t think it will put people off coming do you?’ she asked her brother.  She’d been hosting Jane Austen conferences for several years now and not one had been cancelled before.
‘Pammy, earthquakes and tornadoes couldn’t keep Austen fans away,’ Dan said from his position at the top of a ladder as he threaded a long garland of golden stars around the Christmas tree.
Dame Pamela’s twitchy fingers reached up to the pearl choker she was wearing.  It was ten o’clock in the morning but, with her billowing red velvet tunic and peals adorning her ears, throat and wrists, she looked more suitable for a red-carpet event than a morning at home.
She moved to stand under the enormous Christmas tree which had taken four men to place in the entrance hall.  It was to be decorated in red, green and gold, and it was going to look perfect with its twinkling lights and heap of shiny, beribboned presents stacked underneath. 
‘Pass me the baubles,’ Dan said a moment later and Dame Pamela handed him the first of the glass baubles.  They gleamed like fat rubies in the light of the hall and she watched as they were placed oh-so-carefully at intervals around the tree.
‘You really are very good at this,’ she told her brother. 
‘I should be after the number of times I’ve done it,’ he said, turning around and smiling at her.
‘My wonderful little brother!’ she said.  ‘What would I do without you?’  She looked at his handsome profile and his shock of red-gold hair.  She adored him and had been absolutely delighted when he’d married young Robyn – one of the attendees of a past Jane Austen conference.  She smiled.  She had a lot to thank Jane Austen for.  Not only had it provided her with an adorable sister-in-law but she had done wonders for her career too because Dame Pamela had had the privilege of playing Elizabeth Bennet and Marianne Dashwood in TV adaptations of Jane Austen’s novels in her youth, and Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Fanny Ferrars Dashwood in her latter years.  And then there were the conferences which she so looked forward to.  It had started off with an annual conference in the autumn but that had proved so popular that she had decided to host a special Christmas conference too and no expense was going to be spared.
Every guest bedroom had been decorated with evergreen garlands over the fireplaces and picture frames.  A new dinner service had been bought: white plates edged with gold.  There were crystal wine glasses too and enormous flower displays threaded with fairy lights.  Great green garlands adorned the enormous front door and lights had been placed in the trees lining the driveway.  Dame Pamela had also insisted that the temple on the island should be decorated with lights. Purley Hall had to look its very best for Christmas. 

Christmas with Mr Darcy – coming to Kindle in October 2012