This week, Wednesday in fact, will be mine and Nick's four year wedding anniversary. I'm extremely giddy - as I am every year around this time. This year though, life has been good to us and we've had the opportunity to do many things - one of the main things is actually having money and starting on home improvements to our house. We're buying Nick's house that he grew up in from his parents, so these small steps are slowly turning the house into our own - not just "Nick's childhood house" anymore. It feels more real, I guess you'd say.
This is one of the reasons why I have been so slack on the computer lately. By the time I finish every day, I'm completely exhausted. At the end of the day, I toss myself in bed, I read on my Kindle and pass out. So, my reading has improved but my blog has suffered. I've felt really bad these past few weeks. With the anniversary coming up, I've felt as though I have a new burst of energy. My blog time has changed drastically (which you won't see until later this week because they're scheduled posts - lol) and everything just seems to be falling back into place neatly. I feel like celebrating - so I've decided to celebrate with all of you guys!
Thus, the First Annual Anniversary Celebration was born! What is it, you ask? In a few words: a giveaway spectacular! I'm going back to my fond relationship with numbers. Since Nick and I will be celebrating four years of wedded bliss together, I'll be hosting FOUR giveaways on the blog this week! The first will be later on today!
Below is a description of the giveaways, how to enter and basic rules. All contests will end on Sunday, June 5, 2011 at 11:59 EST, so you have until then to throw your name in. Good luck!
The Giveaways
Since anniversaries are all about celebrations of love, each giveaway will transpire with something that I love that has to do with this blog.
Before & After - Since I'm behind on my blog, I'm behind on these posts as well. For that reason, I'll be posting a new B&A feature every day this week. During that time, you will have the chance to comment and enter on a form to enter a book of your choice from ANY author featured not only this week, but since the beginning of 2011!
In My Mailbox Giveaway - One of my favorite things to do is In My Mailbox. It's a way for me to show you guys what I have received either through review requests or purchases, and what kind of reviews you can look forward to in the future. I will post links to all of my IMM posts since the start of this year and you can choose whichever book you'd like!
New This Week! Giveaway - New This Week! are my fun posts that I do sporadically. I like showcasing all of the new books coming out throughout the week so you can see what's available. It's about the same for this one as it was for IMM. I'll post the links, and you can choose your book!
Recommended Reads - This is my favorite giveaway of the bunch! I've read a lot of books this year (over 60 books) and I have enjoyed a good number of them. For this contest, which will occur at the end of this week, I will showcase some of my absolute favorite reads of 2011. They don't necessarily have to be 2011 releases, just books that I've read in 2011. You will get the chance to win your choice out of the showcase!
How to Enter
This will be the easiest part!
Each giveaway will have it's own separate form. You can pick and choose which giveaways you'd like to enter, or enter them all by filling out all of the forms. When it's time for me to choose winners, I'll randomly select one winner out of each giveaway.
The Rules
There has to be some ground rules established for these contests.
(1) You MUST follow my blog! This contest is about giving back to the ones who devote some of their time to visiting and participating on my blog. I won't play favorites with new or old followers, though. You all have the same chances of winning.
(2) A valid E-MAIL ADDRESS is a MUST. I don't post winners on here because most of the time, I'm away with no internet access. However, I do have my trusty Blackberry that's hooked up to my e-mail account. So, it's easy to choose a winner and e-mail them - which is why this is so crucial.
(3) All forms MUST have the required information filled in completely!
(4) All entries MUST be in by 11:59 EST on Sunday, June 5, 2011.
(5) If you receive a notification that you've won, you MUST respond to it within 72 hours of receiving the e-mail. That way, I can order all of the books at the same time.
(6) All of these contests are INTERNATIONAL! Even though you're choosing from books that I have and love dearly, I feel it's only fair that you have your own brand-spanking new copy of the book. All physical books will be ordered from The Book Depository, so if you live where they ship [check here] then you can enter.
Don't forget to keep checking the blog for new updates. You may also follow me on Facebook, Goodreads, or Twitter for giveaway reminders!
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