Saturday, 23 July 2011

Britmums Guest Blog Swap

This weekend I am taking part in the Britmums  guest blog post Matchup feature where mum bloggers are paired up to write a guest post for each other.  

Today it is my pleasure to introduce Frances from  Mother Venting

Frances is  a SAHM and wannabe writer of a baby girl, she'll be 9 months in August, living in the UK. 

On the subject of blogging, Frances says.....
Blogging kind of saved my sanity because while husband was away I needed an outlet for my frustration and blogging provided that! I'm also a wannabe writer so it helps keep my brain ticking over too...

I asked Frances the following questions...

How has your life changed since becoming a mummy?

Uh, utterly and completely! I almost can't recall what my life was like before I had Moo. There are some things I miss – like bathing, uninterrupted reading and sleeping for longer than 3 hours – but I wouldn't change being a mum for all the tea in China.

Are you a routine mummy or do you fly by the seat of your pants?

Mahahahaha oh I totally fly by the seat of my pants. Definitely one of those mums that make it up as I go along – and anyone reading my blog would agree! Well, I try to impose some sort of structure into Moo's life, but she generally rebels against it, the little monster. I really admire those uber-mummies who seem to have it all sorted. I don't know how they do it. In fact, I suspect they might all be lying, and are just as hopeless as the rest of us...

Most embarrassing mummy moment?

Sigh, so many. Um, I guess I could tell you about the time I was walking down the road, chatting to Moo in a casual fashion about the weather, when a workman commented on how wrapped up and cosy Moo looked in her pram. 'Well, yes,' I replied cheerfully, 'it's a bit windy-woo today!' - completely forgetting that the workman is a GROWN-UP and not a BABY. He gave me a very strange look. I slunk off with a red face. At least Moo thought it was funny.

Favourite beauty budget buys?

My beauty 'regime' has deteriorated somewhat since becoming a mother, so I would suggest any new parent has the following in their arsenal: baby wipes, thick moisturiser, baby wipes, dry shampoo, baby wipes, tweezers, and baby wipes. Seriously, I'm not ashamed to admit it, there have been days when I've needed to take a baby wipe shower. Call me a skank if you like but at least I ATTEMPTED to clean myself up. And baby wipes can be totally cheap as well. Beauty budget buy win!

Favourite way to dress, smart, casual, or depends on what you are doing?

Mahahahahahaha smart? SMART? I've forgotten what that's like. OK I guess I would say I like to aim for stylish nonchalance, but I suspect I actually resemble a jumble sale mishap with unkempt hair and smudged glasses. Yeah, casual, definitely casual.

Favourite way to spend your 'me' time?

Reading. Reading, reading, reading. Though I'm so busy nowadays – and since starting my blog back in March, even busier – that I rarely get time to read any more. Which is such a shame, as I used to be a book-a-week kinda gal. Ah well, I figure I'll have more time when Moo leaves home in about, ooh, eighteen years? Something to look forward to, eh?

Are you a SAHM, WAHM or working mummy?

You know, I didn't even know what these acronyms meant until I started blogging. I'm a SAHM, though if I could find the perfect job that meant I could be a WAHM then I would do it. I miss having my own salary.

My main hobby is reading,  do you read, and if so what are you reading at the moment?

I do read (see above), I love reading. I've just finished Backseat Saints by Joshilyn Jackson, an American author I started following some years ago when she published her first book, Gods in Alabama, which I thought was awesome. It's like an American southern Gothic story, with feisty female characters and twisty-turny plotlines. I would recommend her books to anyone, and should you send an email her way she always replies – the sign of a generous and lovely author, in my opinion! Don't know what I'm going to read next, maybe something Carol can recommend...?

Favourite genres to read?

Anything. Really, anything. Have a soft spot for epic family dramas, vampire stories, and the kind of clever literary fiction that makes your toes curl, it's so brilliant. But really – anything.

Any hidden talents or strange facts about yourself you would like to share?

Mahahhahaha ummmm, now what do I reveal? I can sword fight, which I had to learn for a role in a play. Though I haven't done it for a while, I might be a bit dangerous now. Is that strange/hidden enough? Oh, I have a kind of photographic memory, which is useful when learning lines for plays, though I wish I'd used it more when revising for exams. I might have passed a few more then. Oops.

Great to meet you Frances, and thanks for guest blogging. 
Please pop over to visit Frances at her website.


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