Friday, 26 August 2011

Friday Five

Have not posted a Friday Five since.....well.......posting now.

These are posts that have caught my eye this week.  Please open the links in a new window so you can stay with the rest of the list :)

1.   A dear blogging friend Carol Wyer is preparing to celebrate the launch of her novel Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines, on Sept 16th.  There is a photo competition running for followers in their Mini Skirts 

2.  One inspirational lady blogger I follow begins her story here Falling off a high heeled life

3. Donna at House of the Corner has the most gorgeous photo of 'mum of the week'!

4.  I used to craft a lot when I only had 2 children.  Teddyree enjoys scrapbooking as well as reading and here is some of her lovely work theeclecticreader

5. The Friday Friends is another blog I love to she has photos from her book club meeting thefridayfriends .   I do love to hear about these groups that have strong bonds that bring them together.

Have a great weekend, folks!

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