Friday, 24 February 2012


I have been Tagged by the lovely Spangle at The Oliva Reader

Please do go and visit her.

As you must all know by now.  I am just a mirage, figment of your imagination, you are hallucinating ......
I am on a blog break of sorts, well there are still guest posts, giveaways, and reviews going on here, but I am not about so much.

Just could not resist this one!

Rules (which I am breaking a little)

The Tag rules;
1. You must post the rules!
2. Answer the questions and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
3. Tag eleven people and link to them.
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them

The questions.....

If you could live in a fictional world, where would that be?

Oh, purely fantasy but I would like to live somewhere like the setting for Little House on the Prairie, but close enough to reach society, but not close enough to realise it. :)

Do you read in noisy or quiet places?

Both.  I save my more difficult reads for when the kids are at school or in bed.  I have a little quirk, in that I do love to read when my other half is watching the footie on TV.  I can cope with that level of noise and everyone is quiet.

What was the first book you ever read?

I cannot remember that far back, can I?  
Janet and John by Ladybird as a new reader at school.  
The first novel I remember finishing would have been Charlie and the Choc Factory by Roald Dahl

If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I wouldn't even know where to begin choosing this one.

Favourite author?

On the spot now!  I love the work of Maggie O'Farrell, Linda Gillard, Phillipa Gregory, and many more.

Do reviews influence your choice of reads?

To a certain degree.  There are some regular bloggers that I trust to tell me if a book is not worth reading.  This may influence me to avoid a book, but it also depends on whether that book has had great reviews elsewhere.

Fiction or Non fiction?

Fiction - to take me away from my stressful life.

Have you ever met your favourite author?

No, but I was rather excited to find that one of my favourite authors is following me on Twitter this week!  :)

Audio books or Paperbacks?

Paperbacks.  I did try audio recently, but did not really get on with it.  I don't have the time to sit and listen, sometimes due to noise levels at home, sometimes because I am moving around the house too much.  With a paperback I can pick it up and put it down at a moments notice.

Classic or Modern Novels?

Modern take over as there are so many fantastic novels coming out, but I do try to read a few classics, too.

Book Groups or Solitary Reading?

I envy those in Book Groups. I would think I have made it if I was in a book group.  Sadly, I do not have the time.

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