Tuesday 14 February 2012

W.I.P. Wednesday 15th Feb

I follow many authors and new writers via facebook, twitter and blogs. 
Often I see questions I feel sure are for research for their latest WIP, or what their word count for that day is,  or the fact that twitter/facebook is keeping them from working and wonder.....What are they working on now?  When will we see the next book?

Now we can find out with W.I.P. Wednesday

Photos courtesy of the author

Today Linda Mitchelmore tells us more about her W.I.P.

At present I am nearing the end of the edits on my debut novel TO TURN FULL CIRCLE which has a publication date from the publishers, Choc Lit, of 7th June 2012. 

This is an historical romance set in a Devon seaside fishing town between the years 1909 and 1911. My heroine is orphaned Emma Le Goff a young girl who, despite the awful position she finds herself in, has spirit and ambition. TO TURN FULL CIRCLE  is the first in a planned trilogy. 

I've begun the sequel but there's a way to go with that yet - it looks at the end of book one that all will be well for Emma and her hero, Seth - but will it be plain-sailing?? I'm giving nothing away at this stage! 

The third in the trilogy is a little niggle at the back of my mind at the moment, although I do know what period I want it to be set in - late 1920's. Emma Le Goff will feature in all three.

I have a launch evening and booksigning booked up at The Torbay Bookshop in Paignton for Thursday, 7th June from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. or thereabouts. Wine will be served. Conversation is sure to flow. And the good bookshop is a Thornton's franchise as well as selling artisan-made chocolates, so what reason could anyone have not to come along??
 I also write short stories, my biggest markets being Woman's Weekly and My Weekly in the UK, Allas in Sweden, Hjammet in Norway, and That's Life! Fast Fiction in Australia.

I'm a member of The Romantic Novelists' Association and was awarded the Katie Fforde Bursary in 2004, so this novel has been an embarrassingly long time coming.....but all good things come to those who wait, I say.
Now, life throws some curved balls at time and the one that got me was losing my hearing to some sort of virus - just a gradual decline at first then massive drops which meant I was offered a cochlear implant in 2002. Deafness is quite isolating and I began to write as a way of communication......thousands of people read your words in women's magazines so it felt like I was talking to them through my stories. It was then a short hop to an agent (for short stories, although that agency has since closed, alas) and then membership of the RNA's New Writers' Scheme.
My cochlear implant opened up my life for me because it has enabled me to have one-to-one conversations (group things still a bit difficult) and has given me the confidence to get out there and meet people rather than have my head stuck in a book at home. Being a member of the RNA has further enhanced my life through the wonderful people I have met, and the places I have been.

My Twitter is @lindamitchelmor - without the e on the end as there was another person with the same name.

Facebook page -  Linda Mitchelmore

I'm also a member of an online blog http://novelpointsofview.blogspot.com/

Thanks, Linda.   I will be looking out for To Turn Full Circle


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